$BPN Whitelist Meme Contest (500 Spots) With $5000 Reward Pool

Black Panther Neko Whitelist Meme Contest:

All you need do is create an inventive Meme for Black Panther Neko ($BPN) (Hint: The Black Panther — Protector of the Wakanda Community). Share it on our Twitter using

tags #BlackPantherNeko #BPN and Telegram. Fill the form afterwards via the link below.

Link: https://forms.gle/ZM3rz491aMGbmx217

You can only submit a Maximum of three (3) Entries

per participant-_one (1) wallet per entry. First 500

submissions of the meme contest will be shortlisted

only top 20 will share a reward pool of $5000. Only

20 winners with the best memes selected by the

team) will be selected to share a pool of 5000 BUSD.

Black panther neko

Black panther neko $BLP is a community- oriented charity token built on bsc mainnet with a NFT token design for a gaming software still in development